Where do you put a crush?

3 Apr

When you fall in love, there are people from your past who haunt your new-found happiness. They might be exes who send you diving under sample tables in the grocery store while you ask the stranger behind the counter to be your look-out and pass you bacon-wrapped scallops until the coast is clear (…what? just me?).

And then there are crushes.  Those people who gave you butterflies in your stomach. Who flirted with you when your dating prospects were somewhere between YouTubing gifs of kittens falling and Googling the symptoms for mono even though you haven’t kissed anyone in 6 months. And they provided you with daydream material when your heart was broken into a million pieces.

These crushes are friendlier, sexier ghosts…like Devon Sawa at the end of Casper. Amirite? I mean, if you were a straight girl in the 90’s, this was The Moment you realized that boys maybe didn’t have cooties, right?:

Where do you put crushes when you’re in love with someone new? What happens when they don’t feel so past tense? What do you do when they’re still flirting with you on your lunch break and trying to get your attention as they walk by your desk for the 50th time in a day? Maybe this Work Crush hadn’t been as one-sided as I thought…

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